What are Smart Tags?
Smart Tags are applied to a user once they have completed a specific criteria. These can be used to trigger achievements, which can require multiple tags to unlock.
Example: Create a new bike month smart tag
Manage>Smart Tags>"+New Tag"
For our Bike Month tag, we'll evaluate based on Triplogs. We want to restrict these triplogs to ones taken in May 2020 and only count trips that are of the mode Bike. We'll also choose Trips for the value to be considered since our goal is 20 trips. Then we'll enter 20 for the "Eligible Trips Required". We don't have any single-day requirements, so we'll leave the last two toggles turned off. We'll also leave the sources restriction list empty to allow trips from all sources.
Clicking create will save our new Smart Tag, and we can go back to apply it to our achievement. In the case that you're creating an achievement with a totally different set of criteria, we have many additional options to choose from. Let's look at what options are available:
Date Restrictions - Defines the eligible time period for triplogs that count toward earning the smart tag
Eligible Modes - Triplogs of the mode(s) selected will count toward earning the smart tag
Value Considered - What triplog value will be considered for earning the smart tag. There are currently 3 values available for consideration.
- Trips - The total number of matching triplogs. These are one-way trips, so for a round trip, such as a commute to and from work, 2 trips would be the equivalent value.
- Days - The number of days that an eligible trip is logged. A user would earn 1 day whether they logged a single eligible trip or multiple in 1 day.
- Distance - How many miles/kilometers eligible triplogs account for.
One-Day Triplog Goal - Toggle to require at least one day during the eligible period in which a user must record a certain number of eligible trips.
One-Day Distance Goal - Similarly to the triplog goal, this requires at least one day during the eligible period to reach a specific number of miles/kilometers.
Eligible Trip Sources - Defines sources for triplogs that may contribute towards the goal. Leaving the selection empty will allow all sources by default.
Registration Dates - The time period during which newly-registered users will earn the smart tag.
Completed Profile Fields and Activities - This is a table of data and activities that can be checked to require completion before the smart tag is earned. This can be used to make a pre-requisite smart tag that must be earned before the main tag for an achievement can be earned. For example, if you want to make sure that users are participating in your platform's programs before rewarding them for a program-related achievement, you can check the box for "Participated in an Incentive" or the similarly labeled field for Point Programs. The same logic can be applied for completing the User Profile or Commute Tracker setup. Here's a full list of the options available:
User Profile | User Programs and Commuting | Networks and Permissions | Connected Applications |
Home Address | Participated in an Incentive | Joined a Network | Connected to Commute Tracker |
Work Address | Participated in a Point Program | Manages a Network | Connected to Strava |
User has Saved a Commute | Usual Mode | Is an Administrator | Connected to Waze |
Public Display Name | Usual Schedule Days | ||
Public Biography | Usual Schedule Times |