We have over 100 different columns available within our reporting structure. Curious what one of them means? Just search for it on this page (Ctrl + F for PC users, CMD + F for Mac users).
Name of Column | Location Used | Definition | Response Type |
_id | (users) | Unique ID of specific user | string |
_id | networks | Unique ID of specific network | string |
_id | (triplogs) | Unique ID of specific trip log | string |
_id | (tripplans) | Unique ID of specific trip plan | string |
Calories | (users) | Total number of calories burned for a specific mode | number |
Calories | (networks) | Total number of calories burned for a specific mode by members within the network | number |
Co2 Reduction | (users) | Total amount of Co2 reduced compared to driving alone for a specific mode, given in grams. | number |
Co2 Reduction | (networks) | Total amount of Co2 reduced compared to driving alone for a specific mode by members within the network, given in grams. | number |
Miles | (users) | Total count of miles for a specific mode | number |
Miles | (networks) | Total count of miles for a specific mode by members within the network | number |
Savings | (users) | Total count of money saved compared to driving alone for a specific mode | number |
Savings | (networks) | Total count of money saved compared to driving alone for a specific mode by members within the network | number |
Trips | (users) | Total count of trips for a specific mode | number |
Trips | (networks) | Total count of trips for a specific mode by members within the network | number |
Achievements | (users) | Badges the user has earned by logging trips | array |
ActiveAccount | (users) | If a user logged into the system at least once it is deemed an ‘active’ account. | true/false |
ActiveEventTrips | (users) | Number of active saved trips for an event | number |
ActiveMemberCount | (networks) | Number of members who have logged trips within the specified time frame | number |
AlternativeCalories | (networks) | Number of calories burned by users within the network using alternative modes | number |
AlternativeCo2 | (users) | Amount of Co2 expended by trips logged by alternative modes. | number |
AlternativeDollars | (users) | Total dollars spent for alternative mode trips logged | number |
AlternativeDollars | (networks) | Total dollars spent for alternative mode trips logged by members within the network | number |
AlternativeDollars | (triplogs) | Total dollars spent for the specific trip log | number |
AlternativeMiles | (users) | Total miles logged by use of alternative modes | number |
AlternativeMiles | (networks) | Total miles logged by use of alternative modes by members within the network | number |
AlternativeMiles | (triplogs) | Total miles for the specific trip log if mode was alternative | number |
AlternativeTrips | (users) | Total number of alternative (non-sov) trips logged | number |
AlternativeTrips | (networks) | Total number of alternative (non-sov) trips logged by members within the network | number |
AlternativeTrips | (triplogs) | If an alternative mode was used for this specific trip, the count will be 1 | number |
AlternativeVehicles | (users) | Total vehicle count for alternative mode trips logged (drive alone = 1 vehicle, carpool = .5, etc.) | number |
AlternativeVehicles | (networks) | Total vehicle count for alternative mode trips logged by members within the network (drive alone = 1 vehicle, carpool = .5, etc.) | number |
AlternativeVehicles | (triplogs) | Vehicle count for specific trip if alternative mode | number |
AncestorNetworkCount | (networks) | If network is a subnetwork, count of parent networks | number |
AncestorNetworkNames | (networks) | If network is a subnetwork, name of parent networks | array |
Calories | (users) | Amount of calories burned by all trips logged | number |
Calories | (networks) | Amount of calories burned by all trips logged by all members within the network | number |
Calories | (triplogs) | Amount of calories burned for this specific trip | number |
ChildNetworkCount | (networks) | Number of subnetworks associated | number |
ChildNetworkNames | (networks) | Names of subnetworks associated | array |
Co2Actual | (users) | Amount of Co2 expended over all the user’s trips and modes logged. | number |
Co2Actual | (networks) | Amount of Co2 expended over all the network’s members trips and modes logged. | number |
Co2Actual | (triplogs) | Amount of Co2 expended for this specific trip | number |
Co2Savings | (users) | Amount of Co2 reduced by not driving alone. | number |
Co2Savings | (networks) | Amount of Co2 reduced by not driving alone by members of the network | number |
Co2Savings | (triplogs) | Amount of Co2 reduced by not driving alone for this specific trip | number |
Created | (users) | Date the user joined the system or was imported | date |
Created | (networks) | Date the network was created in the system or was imported | date |
Created | (triplogs) | Date the trip was created in the system or was imported | date |
Created | (tripplans) | Date the trip plan was created in the system or was imported | date |
DateTime | (triplogs) | Date and time the trip was logged for | date/time |
DayOfWeek | (triplogs) | Day of week that trip was logged for | day |
Description | (networks) | Description of network | string |
DestinationAddress | (tripplans) | Address of destination for trip plan | address |
DestinationLatLng | (tripplans) | Latitude and Longitude for destination for trip plan | lat/long |
Details | (tripplans) | Extra details added to a trip plan by the user | string |
DisplayName | (users) | User's public display name, used for challenges, carpool cards, and leaderboards | string |
DollarsActual | (users) | Amount of money expended over all the users trips and modes logged. | number |
DollarsActual | (networks) | Amount of money expended over all the users trips and modes logged by members of the network | number |
DollarsActual | (triplogs) | Amount of money expended for this specific trip | number |
DollarsSavings | (users) | Amount of money saved by not driving alone. | number |
DollarsSavings | (networks) | Amount of money saved by not driving alone by members of the network | number |
DollarsSavings | (triplogs) | Amount of money saved by not driving alone for this specific trip | number |
(users) | Email address associated with account | string | |
EmployeeID | (users) | Field that states user’s employee ID | number |
EmployerName | (users) | Field that states user’s employer | string |
ExpiredEventTrips | (users) | Number of expired saved trips for events | number |
Expires | (tripplans) | Date and time that the trip expires, if it was a trip for a specific event | date |
FavoriteTrips | (users) | Number of favorite trips | number |
FirstName | (users) | First name of account user | string |
HasPassword | (users) | If a user has a saved password within the system, this is marked as ‘true’. | true/false |
HomeZip | (users) | Home zip code entered when user registered | number |
IsAdmin | (users) | States if the user has full admin capabilities | true/false |
JoinURL | (networks) | URL that can be sent to prospective members of the network so that they may join directly | url |
LastLoginDate | (users) | Last time the user logged in by any device | date |
LastName | (users) | Last name of account user | string |
Location | (networks) | Address set for the network origination | address |
ManagedNetworkCount | (users) | Count of networks that user has management access to | number |
ManagedNetworkNames | (users) | unused | array |
ManagedNetworks | (users) | Names of networks that user has management access to | array |
ManagerCount | (networks) | Number of managers associated with the network | number |
ManagerEmails | (networks) | unused | array |
MemberCount | (networks) | Number of system users associated with the network | number |
MemberCount | (tripplans) | Number of users associated to a specific trip plan that are not the owner | number |
MemberEmails | (tripplans) | Members of a specific trip plan (carpool) | array |
MessageCount | (tripplans) | Number of messages that have been sent to the owner of the specific trip plan | count |
Miles | (users) | Total miles logged | number |
Miles | (networks) | Total miles logged by members of the network | number |
Miles | (triplogs) | Total miles logged for the specific trip log | number |
Mode | (triplogs) | Mode of the specific trip log | string |
Modes | (users) | Modes the user has logged trips of | array |
Modes | (networks) | Modes logged by users within the network | array |
Name | (networks) | Name of network | string |
NetworkCount | (users) | Number of networks associated to user account | number |
Networks | (users) | Names of networks associated to user account | array |
Networks | (triplogs) | Names of networks associated with a specific trip log | array |
NewMemberCount | (networks) | Number of members who have created their account within the specified time frame | number |
OriginAddress | (tripplans) | Address of origin for trip plan | address |
OriginLatLng | (tripplans) | Latitude and Longitude for origin for trip plan | lat/long |
PhoneNumber | (users) | User’s phone number | number |
PostRegistrationCapture | (users) | User's answer to specific question posed immediately after registration. | string |
Preferences | (tripplans) | Additional details about the carpool that user has entered (driver/ride preferences) | string |
PublicVisibility | (networks) | If public, can be searched for by all users. If private, joinURL must be given. Private networks are also hidden from challenge leaderboards. | public/private |
RelatedEvent | (tripplans) | If trip plan is associated with a specific event, the name of the event will show here | string |
RoundTrip | (tripplans) | Will show as true if it has a return trip time | true/false |
Schedule | (tripplans) | Days and times of a specific trip plan | days |
SharedNetworks | (tripplans) | Names of networks associated with a specific trip plan | array |
SharedPublic | (tripplans) | Will show as true if it is viewable by all users within the system | true/false |
SharingId | (tripplans) | ID used if users want others to ‘join’ their carpool/trip plan | string |
Source | (users) | When a user registers, this is set. Can be: Self-Registered, Challenge, Event, Imported | string |
Source | (networks) | unused | string |
Tags | (networks) | Reporting metadata that can be added to your network | string |
Tags | (tripplans) | unused | array |
TermsAcceptanceDate | (users) | Date user last accepted the terms of use | date |
TimeOfDay | (triplogs) | Specific time of day trip was logged for | time |
Trips | (users) | Number of trips logged | number |
Trips | (networks) | Total number of trips logged by users in the network | number |
Trips | (triplogs) | Will always show as 1 for each specific trip plan | number |
Type | (networks) | Type of network | string |
Type | (tripplans) | Can either be Event or Commute. If associated with a specific event, it will be marked accordingly | string |
Updated | (users) | Last date the user’s account was updated with new information | date |
Updated | (networks) | Last date the network’s account was updated with new information | date |
Updated | (triplogs) | Last date the triplog was updated with new information | date |
Updated | (tripplans) | Last date the trip plan was updated with new information | date |
UserDisplayName | (tripplans) | Display name of owner of specific trip plan | string |
UserEmail | (triplogs) | Email of user who logged the specific trip | string |
UserEmail | (tripplans) | Email of user who owns the specific trip plan | string |
UserFirstName | (tripplans) | First name of user who owns the specific trip plan | string |
UserId | (triplogs) | Unique ID of user associated with the specific trip log | |
UserId | (tripplans) | Unique ID of user who owns the specific trip plan | string |
UserLastName | (tripplans) | Last name of user who owns the specific trip plan | string |
UserName | (triplogs) | Full name of user who logged the specific trip | string |
UserNetworks | (tripplans) | Networks the user is associated to | array |
VehiclesActual | (users) | Actual vehicles on the road due to their trips. | number |
VehiclesActual | (networks) | Number of actual vehicles on the road for all the trips of the members within the network | number |
VehiclesActual | (triplogs) | Number of actual vehicles on the road for the specific trip | number |
VehiclesSavings | (users) | Amount of vehicles removed from the road due to the user’s mode choices. | number |
VehiclesSavings | (networks) | Number of vehicles taken off of the road by trips logged by members within the network | number |
VehiclesSavings | (triplogs) | Number of vehicles taken off the road by the specific trip | number |
WantsTripUpdateEmails | (users) | Option that can be set for users by Administrators. Currently unused. | true/false |
WorkZip | (users) | Work zip code entered when user registered | number |