There are a variety of sources available for gathering additional trip data. Depending on how your site is configured, your options may include the RideAmigos Commute Tracker app, Strava, Love to Ride, Scoop or Waze Carpool. These sources can take automated logging to a whole new level by syncing trips automatically between your favorite apps.
With our custom API, we allow our partners to use data streams from sources like parking garages and fare cards to create triplogs in the RideAmigos system. These additional options may or may not appear in your Connected Apps area based on how they are configured.
Users seeking assistance with automated logging that connects through our API should contact their platform administrator using the contact us link found within your RideAmigos platform.
To see which apps are enabled on your system, visit the “Connected Apps” page within your user profile.
Click your name in the upper right corner of the screen > Edit Profile > Connected Apps: