Navigation: Manage > Management Dashboard > My Networks
Click on the network you would like to manage to access that network's management page.
From the initial stats screen you can quickly see the number of members and managers in a network and icons that indicate certain network settings such as public/private/hidden, a quick link to your network's join URL, and impact stats associated with the network.
Edit Network Details
Administrators and managers can modify a network’s details via the ‘Edit’ link in the left side menu.
Name: Required
Join URL: Can be provided to users to provide them with a landing page for joining your network, containing additional information from the description and message fields below. (Not visible until saved when creating a new network.)
Type: Required. Used for categorizing networks in reports and other contexts.
Public or Private: Required. Public networks can be searched for and joined by anyone. Private networks are invite-only – users can join via a manager-provided join link or other manager-provided workflow.
Hidden: Hidden networks do not appear as an option when saving and sharing carpools and do not appear on the user's My Networks page.
Description: Displayed when a user searches for public networks or visits the network's join page.
Auto-Join by Email Domain: Automatically add newly-created users with specific email domains to your network. Read more.
Organization / Company Size: Used for reference in reporting and for normalized challenges.
Location: Geographical or mailing address information associated with this network.
Tags: Used for advanced categorization, sorting, and reporting.
Message to non-members before joining: Displayed to visitors using the network join URL who are not currently a member of the network.
Message to current members: Displayed to visitors to the network join URL who are already members of the network.
The ‘Members’ tab displays a basic, searchable report of all users in this network. Results can be filtered by first or last name or email address. More in-depth, fully-filterable details of your network members are available in the Reports tab. Read more.
The ‘Subnetworks’ tab displays all subnetworks of the current network. You can search for other networks to add as subnetworks or create new subnetworks. Row actions allow you to switch to viewing a subnetwork's management page or to remove the subnetwork relationship.
The ‘Managers’ tab lists all users currently granted explicit network manager permissions for this network. From here, managers can easily be added or removed. Read more.
Note: If the current network is a subnetwork of another network all managers of the parent network also inherit management permissions for this network - these users may not appear in the network's Managers list.
Each network has its own set of reports are based off of primary platform data objects:
- Users
- Subnetworks
- Triplogs
- Trip Plans
Each of these reports provides a filterable view, pre-populated with specific fields of data. Read more.