RideAmigos currently offers two powerful, flexible tools for creating programs where users can earn and redeem rewards. Incentives and Point Programs each have their ideal use cases. Here’s how to determine which tool best fits the programs you want to run.
Common Features
- Specify a name and contact email for program questions
- Restrict your program to members of specific networks or subnetworks
- Exclude members of specific networks or subnetworks
- Run raffle-style drawings for random winners
- Require administrator approval for rewards OR automatically distribute digital rewards
- Download detailed spreadsheet reports of user/reward statuses
Incentive Tool
Best for programs that:
- Encourage users to accomplish a very specific goal (e.g. 10 trips, 20 days, 100 miles)
- Offer a single reward option
- Require users to opt-in / join
Special Features:
- Criteria can be set to # of trips, days, or distance logged
- Users see visual indicators of progress toward a goal
- If the incentive only applies to certain networks users can be set to auto-join
- Can be set to allow users to accrue multiple rewards
- System-wide incentives cannot be set to auto-join, users must opt-in
- Can only offer a single reward/prize option, even if rewarded multiple times
- Require logging at least one trip to redeem a prize
How to Create and Edit Incentives
Point Program Tool
Best for programs that:
- Offer users multiple reward options
- Incentivize certain modes differently (e.g. biking is worth twice as much as carpooling)
- Need to be offered system-wide with no opt-in
- Allow users to redeem rewards without logging trips
Special Features:
- Assign different point values to different modes
- Start users a specified number of points prior to logging trips
- Set a maximum number of points earned per day
- Add as many reward options as needed
- Change reward options mid-program
- Set point values and sort order of reward inventory
- Manage the quantity of reward inventory
- Maximum number of redemptions per user can be set for each inventory item
- Add or archive inventory items during the program
- Restore points to users for canceled redemptions
- Manually add or subtract available points
- Points cannot automatically correlate to miles, bonus days, or non-triplog activities, but such points can be calculated and added manually.
How to Create and Edit Point Programs
Hopefully, this helps you decide which tools work best for which kinds of programs. If you’re still not certain what’s best for your program idea, submit a ticket for program assistance and our support staff will gladly help you out.