My Networks
The Management Dashboard takes a network-centric approach to managing your users, networks, reports, and more.
The My Networks view is your starting point, which gives you quick and easy access to any networks you manage.
Scroll through the list or use the search box to find the network you want to view.
You can star your favorite networks so they always appear at the top!
Each network's card provides an overview of the most important information about the network, including the parent network(s), network type, public/private setting (eye icon), whether it is a hidden network, and a quick link to the network's Join URL.
Click on a card to go to that network's home page.
Note: if you are a Site Administrator and your site does not yet have a default system-wide network for managing and reporting on all user activity, contact our support team for help setting one up.
Network Home
Every network has a Network Home page that provides both a quick overview of network stats and all of the tools you need to manage your network and its members.
- Stats - Quickly review the basic health and stats of your network.
- Edit - Review and update the settings for your network.
- Members - All of the users currently associated with this network. View and edit member details, add and remove members, and proxy as users (depends on advanced management privileges)
- Subnetworks - View, add, and remove subnetworks. Viewing a network from a row action link will take you to the Network Home for that network.
- Managers - Add and remove network managers for this network. Remember - network managers also inherit management permission over any subnetworks.
- Triplogs - Log trips on behalf of your network or its members (depends on site configuration.)
- Surveys - Create and manage commuter surveys with powerful templates and built-in reporting.
- Email Management - Create and manage email templates related to your network and review the communications history from emails you've sent to your network. (Depends on advanced management privileges.)
- Reports - In-depth reports for data associated with your network (more below)
Row Actions
Many of the views within the network home make use of a powerful new interface feature - Row Actions.
Clicking the arrow button on the left side of any row displays its Row Actions. These contextual actions are based on the objects associated with the current row. For example, when viewing a user row you may have options to view details, edit, remove, etc. When viewing a trip plan you can view it in the trip planner or view the user it belongs to.
Member Details
Choose the "Member Details" row action and you'll be greeted with the view above. Based on your management permission level you'll see the stats, networks, and recent triplogs of the user, as well as the last time they logged in. This feature allows you to quickly review information about a user without having to leave your current view.
The stats tab displays the user's collective triplog stats, networks displays all networks the user belongs to, and more information about the user's recent triplogs can be found in the triplog tab.
Administrators and advanced managers also have the ability to add the user's previous triplogs to the network you're currently managing, as well as the option to edit the member's account.
The dashboard offers easy access to powerful reporting tools for your network's associated users, subnetworks, trip logs, trip plans, and more. These report views differ from the main management views for these data objects by offering many more data fields that can be added to your report.
These reports are cached for a period of time for performance purposes can be refreshed by clicking "Updated <time> ago" if you need to ensure the data is up-to-the-minute.
Report fields like trip counts and impact stats reflect all trips by default. You can adjust the date range for these fields by clicking "Change" next to All Time.
After generating and filtering a report you can take several different Report Actions based on your privileges and the report you're viewing, including sending emails, adding/removing network assignments, and exporting your data.