Events are an awesome way to connect with your community and have a greener impact outside of your commute. In this article, we'll show you how to find events and connect with other attendees to share a ride.
Find Upcoming Events
To find all the events that have been posted on your website, log in and click the "Events" header in the menu at the top of the page. From there, click "View Events".
If there are no events listed, you can Create an Event (dependent on your site settings.)
Put in your address to see your matches! If you don't get any matches, then it's the perfect opportunity to create your own trip plan. However, if you do find a good match, click connect and send the user a message! They'll be able to email you back with their response.
Creating an Event Carpool
When you click the button to create a new carpool from the event trip-search, you'll be met by the Trip Planning interface. We've made it easier to complete by pre-filling all of the relevant details from the event for you.
Your carpool will appear to other users searching for this event's specific time and destination.
Other Trip Options
Scroll down the left column in your event trip-search to view other trip options. With some luck, there could be a vanpool or transit option that aligns with your trip! We also display the usual bike and walk route info here.