Many regions provide Park and Ride lots to make it easier for you to meet up with carpool partners, vanpools, or catch a transit option.
To see if there are any park and ride lots nearby, start by searching for your trip options via the trip search tool or from your My Commute widget.
Next, check to see if your site offers a Park and Ride map layer and click to enable it.
Any nearby park and ride lots will appear as icons on your map. To get more information, click a map icon:
You may want to search for new trip options from a park and ride lot - just click on the link to re-plan your trip to or from the location.
This can be particularly useful if you prefer to save or share your commute to/from a park and ride instead of your home or work address. Just set your origins and destinations within the trip planner accordingly then click "Save this Commute" to set up your schedule and sharing options.